How To Get Free Advertising From Top Blogs Using Mybloglog?
written by LabCutive (Labour Executive)
at Monday, January 14, 2008
Do you know that every top sites that we visit that have their mybloglog widget on their sites can bring in a share of their traffic to us?
Yes, it can be done. With blogs displaying the avatar of the latest visitor, your avatar is stuck there for quite sometimes and someone visiting their site could also click on your avatar and later on visits your blog as well!
Visit the top blogs at least 10 times per day and you could be on your way of getting a little share of their traffic.
Go on and try! Cheers :)
January 17, 2008 at 6:55 AM
I have heard of this before but it seems like a hell of a lot work to be visitng them 10 times a day. Has it worked for you?